October 1, 2012Data Structures using C Language, Tree Program to create a Binary Search Tree Binary Search Trees: A Binary Search Tree is a Binary Tree which satisfies the following conditions: The left subtree of the root […]
October 1, 2012Data Structures using C Language, Tree Binary Search Tree Binary Search Tree A Binary Search Tree is a Binary Tree which satisfies the following conditions: The left subtree of the root […]
October 1, 2012Data Structures using C Language, Tree Advanced Trees Advanced Trees Definitions: Red/Black Tree: It was invented by Rudolf Bayer in 1972. Red-black trees are one of the preferred methods of […]
September 30, 2012Arrays, Data Structures using C Language, Linked List Conversion of a Linked List into Array Conversion of a Linked List into Array The conversion process involves creation of a linked list. Then the list is read from […]
September 30, 2012Data Structures using C Language, Linked List Josephus Algorithm Josephus Algorithm The problem is described as, “If there are n persons standing in a circle. Beginning from any person, the others […]
September 30, 2012Data Structures using C Language, Linked List Polynomial – Representation, Addition, Multiplication Polynomial Manipulation Representation Addition Multiplication Representation of a Polynomial: A polynomial is an expression that contains more than two terms. A term […]
September 30, 2012Data Structures using C Language, Linked List Circular Linked List Circular Linked list Creation of a Circular Linked List: A circular linked list is similar to that of a singly linked list […]
September 30, 2012Data Structures using C Language, Linked List Program for operations on a Doubly Linked List Doubly Linked List Program to create a doubly linked list with the possible operations that can be done is given below: /*Program […]
September 30, 2012Data Structures using C Language, Linked List Doubly Linked List Representation of a doubly linked list: A doubly linked list contains backward as well as forward reference. Each node contains two address […]
September 30, 2012Data Structures using C Language, Linked List Program for operations on a Singly Linked List Singly Linked List Program for various operations that can be done on a Singly Linked List is given below: /*Program for Singly […]