Skype Desktop version for Windows 10 is buggy and takes a lot of CPU performance. It is even worst while you are working on different applications on your machine and in a conference call on Skype. The situation gets even worse when you share your screen during the conference/video call. CPU usage increases exceptionally high and results in freezing the machine. I took the following actions, which have helped in fixing this issue:
Messaging Privacy Settings
Goto Start -> Messaging Privacy Settings
Disable Messaging access for this device by changing it from on to off.
Also disable the setting: Allow apps to read or send messages.
Next setting to disable is: Choose which apps can read or send messages, it will be disabled automatically with the above settings in place.
get-appxpackage -AllUsers *Microsoft.Messaging* | remove-appxpackage
Get-AppxPackage *skypeapp* | Remove-AppxPackage
Uninstall Skype, clean all traces of it, reboot the machine and then re-install Skype Desktop version from the following link:
Install Skype and test it further for its performance. It will perform better than before.