- Inheritance in C++
- Default arguments in C++ and its constraints
- Exception Handling and its classification in C++
- Syntax for creating user defined manipulators in C++
- Use of Manipulators in C++
- Template Class in C++
- How is Polymorphism achieved at compile time in C++
- Concept of Polymorphism in C++
- Difference between a Virtual function and Overloaded function in C++
- Pure Virtual functions in C++
- Difference between Containership and Inheritance in C++
- Difference between a Virtual class and Abstract class in C++
- Class Inheritance in C++
- Limitations on Constructors and Destructors in C++
- Concept of Data Hiding in a Class in C++
- Macro vs Inline function in C++
- Function scope and File scope in C++
- Constructors and Destructors in C++
- Advantages of reference variables over pointers in C++
- Polymorphism in C++
- Virtual function – Difference between a Virtual function and Overloaded function in C++
- Virtual Base Class in C++
- inline keyword in C++
- Scope resolution operator in C++
- Function Prototype and Function Overloading in C++
- Fill up the blanks
- True or False
- Multiple choice questions