Fill up the blank in C++

Fill up the blank in C++

( SET- I )

1. hecadecimal 2. derived 3. cout
4. sensitive 5. enumerator 6. \0n
7. binary 8. identifier 9. <<
10. string literal 11. comma 12. >>
13. decimal 14. character literal 15. token
16. atomic 17. primitive 18. cin
19. insensitive 20. octal 21. const
22. ternary 23. precedence 24. union
25. sizeof operator 26. semantical 27. class
28. void 29. struct 30. type casting

1. The smallest individual unit in a program is known as a ……………………

2. C++ Language is case ………………….

3. An ………………… is a long sequence of letters and digits.

4. A sequence of digits beginning with zero is considered to be …………….number.

5. ………………. escape sequence represents the given number in octal form.

6. A ……………………. is a sequence of characters surrounded by double quotes.

7. Fundamental data types may be used to construct ………………… data types.

8. ………………. data types are those that are not composed of other data types.

9. ……………. is a predefined object that represents the standard output stream in C++.

10. ……………….. is used to name integer constants using enum keyword.

11. ………………..operator in C++, requires three operands.

12. A ……………………. variable must be initialized at the time of its declaration.

13. The operator ………………………. is called the insertion or put-to operator.

14. A ………………….. operator is used to group together several expressions.

15. Errors may be syntactical or …………………….

16. The ……………………. determines the order of evaluation of an expression.

17. The process of converting one data type to another type is called …………………………

18. ……………………… returns the size of a variable in bytes.

19. …………………….. data type cannot be used to declare variables in C++.

20. The data type used to share a memory location by two or more variables is ………………………
( SET – II )

1. for 2. innermost 3. iterative
4. subscript 5. 9 6. reference
7. float 8. prototype 9. extern
10. do..while 11. definition 12. goto
13. void 14. conditional 15. >>
16. 10 17. extern 18. <<
19. getchar() 20. initialize 21. auto
22. while() 23. outermost 24. curly brackets
25. int 26. register 27. curved brackets
28. 11 29. define 30. same
31. zero 32. different

1. If the maximum subscript value of an array is 9, then the size of the array is ………………………..

2. switch() is an example of ……………………….. construct.

3. ……………………… loop is a bottom tested loop.

4. An exception to procedural programming language is the use of …………………. statement.

5. break terminates the …………………….. loop.

6. …………………… function is used to read a character from the keyboard.

7. …………………… operator defines the size of an array.

8. The default return type of a function is …………………

9. A function …………………… is required whenever we invoke a function before defining it.

10. Structure objects may be returned by …………………..

11. The scope of …………………variable is the function scope.

12. The scope of …………………variable is file scope.

13. The …………………….. variable is stored in fast access memory location.

14. ………………….. is the stream insertion operator.

15. ………………….. is the stream extraction operator.

16. ……………………keyword is used to declare a macro.

17. Constructors are used to …………………… the data members automatically, whenever an object of a class is instantiated.

18. A function body is delimited by ……………………….

19. The array elements mus be of the ……………… data type.

20. The …………………. pointer is normally used to indicate that the pointer does not contain an active entry.

( SET – III )

1. <iomanip.h> 2. optional 3. continue
4. formal 5. register 6. subscript
7. extern 8. setf() 9. <fstream.h>
10. unitbuf 11. unsigned 12. break
13. actual 14. inline 15. width()
16. <iostream.h> 17. initialization 18. extensibility
19. recursive 20. auto 21. return
22. non-recursive 23. essential 24. pointer
25. member function 26. preprocessor 27. int
28. friend 29. float 30. data abstraction

1. ………………….. function of ios class is used to set format flags.

2. …………………. function determines the size of the output field.

3. …………………. flushes all streams after insertion.

4. The header file …………………….. provides manipulators to set output formats.

5. main() is an ……………………component of every C++ program.

6. A variable must be declared before its ……………………….

7. ………………….. statement repeats the loop by skipping the remaining portion.

8. ……………………statement is used to transfer a value from the invoked function to the invoking function.

9. The arguments used in function call statement are ………………… arguments.

10. The arguments used in function definition are ……………. arguments.

11. A ………………….. variable is similar to that of an auto variable with the only difference that it is stored in a fast access memory location.

12. A function call from within itself results in ………………….. call.

13. …………………… … statements are those which are executed during compile time.

14. …………………….header file contains necessary declarations for input/ output in C++.

15. [ ] operator is called …………………….operator.

16. A ……………………. variable is a variable that contains the address of some other variable.

17. ………………………. keyword is used to declare a variable that may contain only positive values.

18. When a language has the capability to produce new data types, it is said to be ………………………….

19. When a language allows only the defining operations of a type of access the low level representation of a type, that language is said to enforce ……………………..

20. In C++, the public/private distinction applies only to members of a class, so …………………….. functions can be listed in either part of the class.

( SET – IV )

1. struct 2. public 3. private
4. colon 5. auto 6. default
7. data encapsulation 8. destroyed 9. scope resolution
10. structure 11. data abstraction 12. definition
13. protected 14. signature 15. volatile
16. class 17. instantiated 18. scope resolution operator
19. semicolon 20. delete 21. inheritance
22. zero 23. polymorphic 24. function overloading
25. polymorphism 26. new 27. one

1. ……………………….. refers to hiding physical details and displaying only the desired information.

2. ………………………… provides data security by hiding it from the external world.

3. ……………………. contains data members and methods to operate on these members.

4. ……………………. contains data members only.

5. The member functions, if defined outside the class must use ………………………..

6. The class members by default are ……………………

7. ……………………. variables may be modified by some method which is not known to the program.

8. A class declaration ends with a ………………………

9. Memory to data members of a class is allocated when an object of a class is ……………………..

10. A ……………………. constructor can have default arguments.

11. Sharing of information which is common is achieved through ………………………

12. Friend functions can only access …………………….. data members.

13. …………………… operator is used to free memory allocated using new operator.

14. Function prototype is also called function ……………………….

15. A ………………………… class is one that contains a virtual function.

16. A unary overloaded operator via member function needs ………………… arguments.

17. A binary operator overloaded via member function needs ………………… arguments.

18. Defining two or more functions with the same name but with different set of arguments and return type is ………………………….

19. A user can inform the compiler to use the global variable rather than local variable by prefixing the variable with the ………………… operator.

20. In C++, ……………………….. allows to ignore the data representation in memory, and to think in terms of what operations can be performed on the data.

( SET – V )

1. throw 2. unexpected() 3. exception handling
4. virtual 5. this 6. setbase
7. seekg() 8. templates 9. catch
10. abstraction 11. structure 12. non-primitive
13. template 14. primitive 15. virtual
16. identity 17. try 18. class
19. dynamic 20. encapsulation 21. polymorphism
22. inheritance 23. binding 24. static binding

1. ………………………. are used to define generic classes in C++.

2. ………………………. is a technique to handle exceptional errors from within the program.

3. …………………….. keyword is used to define a class template.

4. …………………….. keyword is used to send a message that an error has occurred.

5. ……………………. keyword is used to receive the error information.

6. ……………………. block invokes a function that detects an exception.

7. If no appropriate handler is available, the function invoked to process the exception is ………………………..

8. A ………………………. data type is a fundamental type which is not composed of other data types.

9. A ……………………….. data type is composed of other fundamental data types.

10. A destructor function of a base class may be declared as …………………

11. In C++, ……………….. is a pointer to the invoking object of the class type.

12. An object has state, behaviour and …………………….

13. The base of a stream can be changed by the parameterized stream manipulator ……………………….

14. A ……………………….. organizes different data items so that they can be referenced as a single unit.

15. A …………………. organizes different data items so they can be referenced as a single unit, but does not contain methods that operate upon these data members.

16. The ………………………. member function of the istream class repositions the file position pointer.

17. In C++, ………………….. denotes the connection between an entity and its properties.

18. In C++, ……………………. keyword is used to force the compiler to generate only one copy of any repeated base class when the base class is inherited twice.

19. An ……………………….. separates what the user needs to know to use a piece of code from what the author had to know to write the code.

20. In …………………………, the compiler and the linker directly define the fixed address of the code to be executed on every function call.

( SET – VI )

1. destructor 2. getline() 3. iostream.h
4. derived 5. abstraction 6. protected
7. private 8. arrow 9. ios::noreplace
10. abstract 11. constructor 12. static
13. fstream.h 14. enumerator 15. ios::nocreate
16. new 17. const 18. preprocessor directives
19. subscript 20. aggregation 21. base
22. atoi() 23. cout 24. encapsulation
25. dot 26. static binding 25. cin
28. inline

1. The …………………… header file contains information important for user controlled file processing operations.

2. …………………….. denotes a whole/part hierarchy, with the ability to navigate from the whole to its parts.

3. A …………………… function is the first member function which is invoked when an object of the class is being created.

4. Using an array name without a …………………… yields a pointer to the first element of the array.

5. The …………………… member function of istream class of C++ reads over a designated number of characters and termiates upon encountering a designated character.

6. In C++, to show that a member function does not change its invoking object, …………………… keyword is placed after the closing parenthesis in the function declaration and definition.

7. ………………….. classes have no access to private members of base class.

8. In C++, …………………… makes prototyping more practical.

9. The ……………….. function of C++ converts a string input to its numeric value.

10. …………………….. members of a class cannot be accessed from the main(), but can be accessed by its derived class.

11. …………………… represents the standard output stream, which is an object of ostream class.

12. …………………………file open mode discards the file’s contents if it exists.

13. Classes from which objects cannot be instantiated are called ……………….. classes.

14. The …………………… operator is used to indicate indirection on a pointer to a structure.

15. A constructor cannot be declared as ……………………….

16. ……………………. function reduces function call overload.

17. In ……………………….., the compiler and the linker directly define the fixed address of the code to be executed on every function call.

18. An …………………….. is a user-defined data type whose values consist of a set of named constants.

19. ……………………. operator is used to dynamically allocate memory.

20. Macros are ………………………
( SET – VII )

1. private 2. colon 3. arguments
4. defining 5. transitive 6. stdprn
7. cerr 8. stdout 9. right
10. class 11. hybrid 12. signature
13. tagname 14. multilevel 15. virtual
16. data encapsulation 17. abstract 18. scope resolution
19. void 20. hierarchical 21. struct
22. operator assignment 23. stderr 24. stdin
25. public 26. data abstraction 27. clog
28. multiple 29. single 30. left
31. variable 32. middle 33. semicolon
34. defining class objects 35. inheritance 36. encapsulation

1. ……………………. refers to hiding physical details and displaying only the needed information.

2. ……………………. provides data security by hiding it from the external world.

3. ……………………. contains data members and methods to operate on these members.

4. ……………………. contains data members only.

5. The member functions, if defined outside the class must use …………………….

6. The class members, by default are ……………………..

7. …………………… is used to define objects of the class.

8. A class declaration ends with a ……………………..

9. Memory to data members is allocated while ………………………

10. Memory to member functions is allocated while …………………….

11. Constructor functions cannot be …………………….

12. The inheritance type where a derived class inherits from many base class is …………………… inheritance.

13. A ………………… class is one that cannot be instantiated.

14. In case of default arguments the arguments may only be defaulted from the ……………………

15. Outputs to the standard error stream are directed to either the ………………. or the …………………… stream objects.

16. The four objects that correspond to the standard devices on the system include ………………,……………….,……………… and …………….

17. Function prototype is function ………………….

18. Constructors do not have any return type not even ………………….

19. Inheritance is …………………….. in nature.

20. A “has-a” relationship between classes represents ……………………. and an “ is-a” relationship between classes represents ………………………

( SET – VIII )

1. static 2. publicly 3. base class
4. unary 5. dot(.) 6. arrow(->)
7. new 8. friendship 9. non-member
10. data member 11. auto 12. array
13. private 14. derivation 15. array of objects
16. register 17. member 18. binary
19. privately 20. delete 21. extern
22. abstract 23. protected 24. member
25. derived class 26. nested 27. public
28. base class 29. array of pointers

1. The ………………. declaration specifies that the object can be used between separate transaction units of program.

2. A structure may be dynamically created using the ……………….. operator.

3. The structure pointer operator is …………………….

4. The class from which other class inherits is a ……………………

5. A ………………… function is used to retrieve values of the private data of a class.

6. The protected members are inherited as private when inherited …………………

7. An ………………….. operator when overloaded, takes one argument.

8. A global anonymous union must be declared as …………………..

9. A …………………… class is one that contains another class definition.

10. Use of ………………… variables reduces the size of the program and improves the performance.

11. The default storage class for variables is ……………………

12. …………………… allows the encapsulation of functions within that class alone.

13. ……………………. allows the encapsulation of function with in that class and derived class.

14. When a base class is inherited publicly, the ……………….. members of the base class become the public members of derived class.

15. ……………………. is used to deallocate memory allocated with new.

16. A base class that has a pure virtual member function is an ………………. class.

17. A base class is inherited by …………………..

18. A class contains ………………………. and methods that operate on these.

19. The …………………… operator is used to access the members of a class.

20. An array having class type elements is known as ……………………..

( SET – IX )

1. synchronous 2 template 3 class
4. synchronous 5 void 6 unexpected()
7. semantical 8 catch 9 polymorphic class
10. char 11 throw 12 object oriented programming(OOP)
13. try() 14 unsetf() 15 generic class
16. asynchronous 17 template function 18 syntactical
19. object oriented analysis(OOA) 20 int 21 setf()
22. catch() 23 resetf() 24 logical
25. exception handling 26 asynchr-onous 27 static class
28. object oriented design(OOD) 29 virtual function 30 pure virtual function

1. The exception is processed using ………………

2. ………………….. enable us to define generic classes.

3. …………………..helps to identify and manage error conditions during program execution.

4. In exception handling the keyword ……………… implements the return activity.

5. Exceptions are of two kinds, …………………… and ………………………….

6. Errors such as overflow are …………………… exceptions.

7. Keyword interrupt is …………………… exception.

8. The thrown exceptions are caught by the keyword ………………..

9. A function generated from a function template is called a ……………………..

10. The template definition is preceded by the keyword …………………

11. …………………….. refers to specifying requirements in terms of real world objects.

12. …………………….. deriving class hierarchies out of the specification made earlier.

13. …………………….. refers to the implementation of programs using objects in any object oriented programming language.

14. If no appropriate handler is available the function invoked to process the exception is …………………..

15. The template function declaration specifies a generic ……………………

16. The compiler detects …………………….. errors.

17. In C++, main() function returns a value of type …………………….

18. A class that inherits a base class containing virtual function is called ………………………..

19. A …………………….. has no definition is its base class.

20. In C++, the format flags are reset by ………………….
( SET – X )

1. close() 2. scientific 3. seekg()
4. clear() 5. tally() 6. heap
7. reference 8. void pointer 9. asterisk(*)
10. typedef 11. ifstream 12. null character
13. overloaded 14. ios::nocreate 15. tellp()
16. bitwise AND 17. ofstream 18. int pointer
19. virtual 20. anonymous union 21. static
22. getline() 23. ios::noreplace 24. seekp()
25. bitwise OR 26. resetf() 27. null pointer

1. The class ………………….. is used to create the output stream.

2. If file mode parameter is specified as ………………………, the open operation fails if the file already exists.

3. The file mode can combine two or more parameters using ………………… operator.

4. In C++, void pointer can be assigned only to a …………………..

5. The member function ……………………. closes a file that has been opened for file processing.

6. The ……………….. function reads a line terminating with a newline character.

7. The flag ………………… in iostream formats floating point values in scientific form.

8. …………………… moves the get pointer to a specified location.

9. ………………….. gives the current position of the put pointer.

10. The ……………….. and ……………. functions handle the data in binary form.

11. The function ……………….. resets the error state.

12. …………………… function returns true when an input or output operation has failed.

13. ………………….. is an unnamed union in C++.

14. Free store is also referred to as …………………..

15. In C++, the redirection operator is …………………..

16. The …………………. is used for terminating strings.

17. A …………………. is an alias for a variable.

18. To specify a new name to the data type ……………… keyword is used.

19. ……………………. functions implement polymorphism.

20. ……………………. is a pointer that does not point to any data object.


1.  token                  2.  sensitive              3.  identifiers

4.  octal                   5.  \0n                     6.  string literal

7.  derived               8.  atomic                9.  cout

10.  enumerator        11.  ternary              12.  constant

13.  <<                     14.  comma              15.  semantical

16.  precedence        17.  type casting        18.  sizeof

19.  void                  20.  union


1.  10                       2.  conditional           3.  do..while

4.  goto                    5.  innermost            6.  getchar()

7.  subscript             8.  int                      9.  prototype

10.  reference           11.  auto                  12.  extern

13.  register              14.  <<                     15.  >>

16.  define                17.  initialize             18.  curly brackets

19.  same                 20.  zero


1.  setf()                   2.  width()                3.  unitbuf

4.  iomanip.h            5.  essential              6.  initialization

7.  continue              8.  return                 9.  actual

10.  formal               11.  register              12.  recursive

13.  preprocessor 14.  “iostream.h”           15.  subscript

16.  pointer              17.  unsigned            18.  extensibility

19.  data abstraction        20.  friend


1.  data abstraction 2.  data encapsulation             3.  class

4.  structure                5.  scope resolution          6.  private

7.  volatile                   8.  semi-colon

9.  instantiated             10.  default

11.  inheritance            12.  public

13.  delete                  14.  signature

15.  polymorphic          16.  zero

17.  one                      18.function overloading

19.  scope resolution    20.  data abstraction


1.  templates        2.  exception handling       3.  template

4.  throw             5.  catch                          6.  try

7.  unexpected()   8.  primitive                     9.  non-primitive

10.  virtual           11.  this                           12.  identity

13.  setbase         14.  class                         15.  structure

16.  seekg()          17.  binding                      18.  virtual

19.  abstraction     20.  static binding

1.  fstream.h             2.  aggregation          3.  constructor

4.  subscript             5.  getline()              6.  const

7.  derived               8.  encapsulation       9.  atoi()

10.  protected           11.  cout                  12.  ios::noreplace

13.  abstract             14.  arrow                15.  static

16.  inline                 17.  static binding      18.  enumerator

19.  new                  20.  preprocessor directives


1.  data abstraction                      2. data encapsulation

3.  class                                     4.  struct

5.  scope resolution operator        6.  private

7.  tag name                               8.  semicolon

9.  defining objects                      10.  defining class

11.  virtual                                  12.  multiple

13.  abstract                               14.  right

15.  cerr, clog

16.  stdout, stdin, stdprn, stderr

17.  signature                              18.  void

19.  transitive

20.  encapsulation, inheritance


1.  extern                 2.  new                    3.  arrow(->)

4.  base class            5.  member              6.  privately

7.  binary                 8.  static                   9.  nested

10.  register              11.  auto                  12.  private

13.  protected           14.  public                15.  delete

16.  abstract             17.  derived class      18.  data members

19.  dot(.)                 20.  array of objects.


1.  catch()                                          2.  templates

3.  Exception Handling                         4.  throw

5.  synchronous & asynchronous           6.  Asynchronous

7.  asynchronous                                8.  catch

9.  template function                           10.  template

11. object oriented analysis(OOA)

12.  object oriented design(OOD)

13.  object oriented programming(OOP)

14.  unexpected()

15.  generic class                              16.  syntactical

17.  int                                             18.  polymorphic class

19.  pure virtual function                    20.  unsetf()

1.  ofstream                       2.  ios::noreplace   3.  bitwise OR

4.  void pointer                  5.  close()              6.  getline()

7.  scientific                       8.  seekg()             9.  tellp()

10.  write(), read()              11.  clear()            12.  fail()

13.  Anonymous union        14.  heap              15.  asterisk (*)

16.  null character              17.  reference        18.  typedef

19. virtual                          20.  null pointer


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